What do you need to know before coming to a War to Peace® workshop?
When you arrive at a War to Peace® workshop, what [...]
The War to Peace® experience: Gill and the redundancy negotiation
The War to Peace® experience: real-life case studies from our [...]
Can you change a habit of a lifetime?
Can you change a habit when it comes to challenging [...]
When one person lets down the team
I loved my team. We were dedicated, high performing, go-getting [...]
How to move forward when you can’t forgive what they did
In our last blog we talked about our individual ‘Christmas [...]
Are you writing your own Christmas movie?
Picture the scene, as though it was the start of [...]
The War to Peace® experience: Gordon and the unexpected outcome
The War to Peace® experience: real-life case studies from our [...]
The hidden block to effective teams
There are lots of things team leaders can do to [...]
When just one word can make all the difference…
Maria was kicking herself. Hard. “I should phone my mum [...]