Free Relationship Clarity Tool

New insights about that difficult person in just 2 minutes!

Download the free tool below!

Difficult person to deal with?

Chloe’s relationship clarity tool will help you.

It probably feels as though you’ve tried everything with this difficult person you’re struggling with, but nothing has worked. Whenever you find yourself feeling stuck in your interactions with someone, or you wish that they would change something about their behaviour or manner, this is a great tool to use. It will give you insights and information that you didn’t have before.

To use it, you will need a blank piece of paper and it will take you only a matter of minutes to work through it.

This tool helps us to separate out the facts of the situation from the parts we have made up. It also encourages us to be honest about the impact we are allowing the person to have on us. Furthermore, it invites us to consider the impact we are having on them, and points us to the parts of the situation that are within our control.

When we use this tool, it helps us to refocus our time and energy where it is most needed. When we don’t use it, we generally keep trying everything we have already tried and continue our struggle with the person or, alternatively, we avoid them entirely. To try it for yourself, simply put your details in the box below and it will be sent immediately to your inbox.

In the meantime, if you would like further support to effectively navigate conflict and relationship difficulty, I’d be delighted to hear about your experiences and explore with you whether I can help you to achieve the outcomes you want, so please do get in touch with me.

Wishing you my best,

Chloe O’Sullivan BSc (Econ) Hons MBA
Founder of War to Peace® and CEO of Halcyon Global

I’m on a mission to help you conquer your conflicts and
transform your life.

Smiling photograph of Chloe O'Sullivan Relationship & Conflict Resolution Expert

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Relationship Clarity Tool.

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Biba Binotti, CEO, Global Warriors, UK

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John Cooke, Senior Vice President and Ombudsman McDonalds Corporation, US

“War to Peace shows you to operate with integrity and effectiveness, no matter how other people are behaving.”

Hema Marshall, Head of Sales, SMB & Exec Lead for Inclusion & Diversity, Cisco UK Read more...

“The War to Peace program has seen our people transform, becoming not just more productive and efficient, but better people.”

Werner Zorman, Head of Business Transformation, Nokia Siemens, US

“War to Peace has changed my life personally, professionally and emotionally.”

Hannah Wright, Director of Distribution EMEA, Palo Alto Networks, UK

“I have no hesitation in recommending Chloe and War to Peace, it’s insightful and useful, both professionally and personally.”

Stuart Higgins, Head of Smart Cities and IoT, Cisco, UK

War to Peace is a progressive and revolutionary conflict management course that will not only transform your conflicts – it will transform your life.

Lola Fayemi, Director of Coaching, Spark Inside, London UK

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War to Peace® Logo in white – Conflict Resolution Symbol extending from War to Peace.